

We present the circuit of a stabilized variable source, using tubes in a configuration equivalent to what we use today with transistors. The circuit was obtained from a technical documentation of 1963.

The tubed variable source we present has as critical component, in addition to the tubes the high voltage power transformer with current of at least 800 mA and windings for filaments.

This transformer feeds a GZ-34 full-wave rectifier valve and the control and control stage is made with 4 EL34 valves in parallel.

The control of these valves is obtained by a 6AG5 and is referred to as an OA2 voltage regulating tube, equivalent to modern zeners.

Figure 1 shows the complete diagram of the voltage source.



Figure 1 - Complete diagram of the stabilized voltage source.
Figure 1 - Complete diagram of the stabilized voltage source. | Haga click en la imagen para ampliar |





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