

   What is pure fiction in movies can much sooner than you think become reality and part of our daily lives.

   The doors that open with a gesture in Flash Gordon movies today are everywhere and even better. We do not need the gesture, as they open up automatically when they detect our presence by the warmth of our body.




  Image from "Flash Gordon on the planet Mongo"

   The radio-telephone in th watch used Dick Tracy today is much more than that, both evolving into multi-use mobile as its smart watch that monitors to our health.


Dick Tracy telephone watch
Dick Tracy telephone watch


   We arrived at the twenty-first century and what it can do this in practical terms is much closer to fiction than at that time, where the differences between the available technology and the technology that was believed one day to come was much higher.

    We see it in the movie Captain America - Civil War with technological resources that both are not far from the current technological possibilities and can even be developed quite easily from components available in the market.

   Just thinking about it, Mouser Electronics made a deal with Marvel in order to teach in the series which features on its site with Grant Imahara Empowering Innovation Together ™ using available components of the company in practical projects of technological resources used in the film.

   The handle of the iron man is an example where stepper motors controls, SMAs, and others with components that actually exist can be analyzed as viable in a partnership with associated companies as by Molex and Analog Devices.

    In fact, we provide on our website just the building blocks that the creativity of the "makers" can come true all that you see in fiction films as Captain America - Civil War and others in reality, as well as things to so many do not even imagined.

    The idea to use the Marvel characters as a point of inspiration for the makers, addressed by Mouser is a very interesting initiative because it is just based on an important modern philosophy of science and technology education that is the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).

    When on our site we present projects of all kinds with many different purposes we are within the STEM philosophy, teaching Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics and just thinking about the future, leading to all who wish to learn what they need to do so.

   The idea of associating comic characters and fiction films to teach today, more than ever, it takes strength and we are sticking to it ever more strongly.

   In fact, our character Professor Ventura, whose technological adventures are in our site is a sample of what we have done, starting from many years ago, and we can do.


Professor Ventura, Beto and Cleto, character created by Newton C. Braga - teaching STEM with projects and adventures (in portuguese by now) http://www.newtoncbraga.com.br/index.php/88-as-aventuras-do-prof-ventura/aventuras
Professor Ventura, Beto and Cleto, character created by Newton C. Braga - teaching STEM with projects and adventures (in portuguese by now) http://www.newtoncbraga.com.br/index.php/88-as-aventuras-do-prof-ventura/aventuras



Wait, because the changes are constant, the Makers, the HQs. Superheroes are there to help us learn and teach. It is the STEM.




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