
As we already announced on CEL000, which begins this section, there are many interesting things that can be done with an old cell phone, of an old generation, but which still works. Many can even be done with a new mobile without damaging it, adding even more utilities to this device that each day becomes more and more part of our lives.

But what can you do with an old cell phone, besides leaving it on the shelf for a case of an emergency, for example, if the new one falls in the toilet.

The utilities that we will see below are not strictly electronic, because the electronic ones will be seen on specific articles in this section, but they give a good idea of what can be done.

So, let’s check the possible uses:


1.Security camera

You can use the existing camera on the mobile phone to send images to a computer or another phone that has internet access.

Using a suitable support, you simply set your phone where you want and watch the desired location.

For so you simply use the IP Webcam application. Following its instructions you make your phone a security camera.

The address to download the application on Google Play is https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pas.webcam

Besides this application there are others like:

- Surveillance Wi-Fi

- IP Webcam

- Pro tinyCan Monitor







2.World Webcam

Around the world there are thousands of cameras that watch over roads, shopping malls, airports, parks, mass tourism sites, and which are connected to the internet.

You can access them permanently using your old cell phone without it taking over your new one or your computer you use for work. The application is EarthCam.

To get this app on your phone go to: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.earthcam.webcams

You can, for example, at this moment see what is happening in Times Square in New York.



3. Home Scientist

A third very interesting application is for readers with a tendency to do science at home, the home scientists who can even make interesting discoveries and work on projects associated with great universities as collaborators.

You may be a scientists working on important projects without leaving home!

This is the Citzen science that can be accessed at:

On the page whose link is given below, you have access to SETI project which searches for life on other planets.


There you find the BIONIC software to download which allows you to participate in the University of Berkley project in the search for life outside Earth.

The reader can participate on the project receiving and analyzing information gathered by radio telescopes in the search of emission different patterns that may indicate an artificial origin, ie, made by intelligent creatures.

At the address below you download the BOINC application of the University of Space Science in Berkley to share other researches and to participate in projects.




A possibility of how to use a common disposed mobile is to use it as a videophone, ie, a device that you use to chat and at the same time see who you are talking to.

There is no need to have a phone line if you have access to a Wi-Fi network because it becomes simple with Google Hangouts and Skype.

See the links below to download and use these applications.




5. E-Book reader

If the screen of your old mobile phone is not one of the the smallest, and you like to read, why not have on it your library (including our books). Your old cell phone can stay on your worktop without taking over the new one, with our reference books opened on the page you need.

For example, you may have a project of our books circuits bank, or a formula of our formulas manual opened, while using the other phone to talk to a friend or someone who wants to share information.

You simply need to access the Google Play Books or Amazon Kindel and download the application.

The addresses are:




6. A High-Tech Clock

Keep your mobile permanently on the charger connected to the network and download an application that makes it a beautiful table or bedside clock.

One of the applications is Timely Alarm Clock that can be downloaded from the link below:


One of the most interesting applications is just as an alarm clock, when you set it on the desired time. Several free applications like this can be found in Google Play.


7.Remote Control

There are several apps on Google Play which can be downloaded and let you use your smartphone as a remote control for your TV or sound system.

This is a good option when someone in your home insists on having the remote control in hand, preventing you from choosing your program or turning off the device.


8.Turn your cell part of the largest supercomputer in the world

This is a very interesting application. Stanford University has a project that uses volunteer computers to simulate processes which occur in proteins in order to seek a cure for cancer.

Turning on your phone, it becomes part of a worldwide computer distributed with 21 000 Teraflops of capacity computing data needed for the search.

You just enter https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ch.bitspin.timely  for your smartphone to become one of the 84 000 computers that work together on cancer research.






You can use your old phone as a GPS by simply downloading a navigation application without having access to internet.

See more at: https://www.androidpit.com/best-free-offline-map-apps







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