
Basic units in the International System of Units (Système International d´Unités) or SI, adopted in the Conference Générale des Poids et Measures in 1960. These units define twenty-two named units and many more derived units. The system also includes a set of twenty prefixes to the unit names and unit symbols used with multiples and fractions of the units.

They are:

Table 1

Quantity Unit Symbol
Length Meter m
Mass Kilogram Kg
Time second s
electric current ampere A
Temperature Kelvin K
luminous intensity candela cd
Amount of substance mole Mol



Other basic electric units are:


Table 2


Unit Symbol Quantity Additional Information
Ampere A Electric current Ampere-hour
R Ah Electric energy -
Ampere-turn At Magnetic-field intensity Is a CGS unit – The Oesterd is preferred
Bel B Audio Power level -
Corlomb C Electric charge -
Cycle per second c/s Frequency Not used – the Hertz (Hz) is accepted for this unit
Decibel dB Audio Power level -
Decibel – refered to 1 mW dBm Audio Power level -
Farad F Capacitance -
Gauss G Magnetic induction Is a CGS unit. SI adopted the Tesla (T).
Gilbert Gb Magnetomotive force Is a CGS unit. The SI unit is the amperes/turn or ampere
Henry H Indutance -
Hertz Hz Frequency -
Horsepower hp Power It isn´t a SI unit, but is used in many practical applications. The unit used in SI is the watt.
Maxwell Mx Magnetic flux This is a CGS electromagnetic unit. SI adopted the Weber.
Mho mho Electric Condutance The EC adopted the Siemens (S) as unit of condutance
Oersted Os Magnetic Field Intensity This is a electromagnetic CGS unit of magnetic field strenggth. SI adopted the amperes per meter (A/m)
Ohm ? Electric resistance -
Revolutions per minute rpm or r/m   rpm is used but not recommended
Siemens S Electric conductance mho can be found in old publications
Volt V Electric Potential -
Watt W Electric Power -
Watt-hour Wh Electric Energy -
Weber Wb Magnetic Flux 1 Wb = 1 V.s



N° of component