
In fact, after announcing the creation of a musical instrument that can be played directly from mind commands using ECG signals, DARPA, a research group of the US government, is announcing a $ 65 million investment on brain-computer interface research.


The program called Neural Engineering System Design or NESD has the collaboration of Elon Musk, founder of Neuralink and Facebook, who intends to develop biocompatible solutions in order to make possible the direct communication between the brain and a computer.


The purpose of such a project is, among other things, to create solutions to enable people with special needs involving vision, language and movement to have electronic resources directly implanted in their brains helping them to overcome the difficulties they have.


The program involves resources from various disciplines such as neurosciences, opto-electronics, neuro-computing biology, electronics, photonics and more.


  Image: DARPA NESD Program
Image: DARPA NESD Program






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