
The current technology that unites microcontrollers with wireless communication resources and a multitude of sensors can lead to never before imagined applications that involve interaction with human beings.

Although we already have a huge number of them manufactured and sold, there is always space for one more, to enter the market with different characteristics. And this is where our readers can enter, taking advantage, improving the quality of life, preventing diseases and even cures.

Let's look at some solutions that Texas Instruments can offer:

In the medical field we can mention applications for blood glucose monitors, blood pressure monitors, thermometers, etc. Although they already exist in large quantities on the market, they can be combined in new applications that depend only on the inventor's imagination.

A reference project can be found at http://www.ti.com/solution/blood-glucose-monitor?variantid=23741&subsystemid=23780 

Another field of application is in the development of hearing aid devices. Information on Texas Instruments component designs can be accessed at: http://www.ti.com/solution/hearing-aid 


Figure 1 - Project suggested by Texas for hearing aid devices.
Figure 1 - Project suggested by Texas for hearing aid devices. | Haga click en la imagen para ampliar |


Other important medical equipment, especially in the days of Corona Viruses are nebulizers and oxygen concentrators (respirators). Texas Instruments has important solutions for the development of related products. In figure 2 we have an example of a nebulizer project that can be accessed at: http://www.ti.com/solution/nebulizer


Figure 2 - Block diagram with Texas Instruments components for a nebulizer. The highlight is for the DRV2700, driver for stepper motor and DRV2667, driver for the piezoelectric transducer.
Figure 2 - Block diagram with Texas Instruments components for a nebulizer. The highlight is for the DRV2700, driver for stepper motor and DRV2667, driver for the piezoelectric transducer. | Haga click en la imagen para ampliar |


For the oxygen concentrator or respirator we have information at: http://www.ti.com/solution/oxygen-concentrator . On this page we have a basic diagram using suggested Texas Instruments components that can be used. The block diagram is shown in figure 3.


Figure 3 - A respirator or oxygen concentrator using Texas Instruments components.
Figure 3 - A respirator or oxygen concentrator using Texas Instruments components. | Haga click en la imagen para ampliar |


We also have available projects involving tele-health systems, CT & PET scanners, ultrasound, other X-ray systems.

For advanced applications, Texas Instruments provides solutions in anesthesia controls, dialysis machines, medical accessories, infusion pumps, motorized wheelchairs, surgical equipment and more. Patient monitoring also offers scope for a multitude of technological applications. Then we have ECGs, eye, throat, ear exams, pulse oximeters, sleep diagnostics, etc.

Moving on to fitness and people care, we also have many solutions that can be found on the Texas Instruments website for solutions in that field. At http://www.ti.com/solution/beauty-grooming  we can find block solutions for beauty and makeup applications shown in figure 4.


Figure 4 - Beauty and makeup solutions
Figure 4 - Beauty and makeup solutions | Haga click en la imagen para ampliar |


Interesting solutions for exercise machines (treadmills, etc.), when dealing with the gym sector and for personal care we can mention electronic toothbrushes, brushes and hair dryers and wearable with activity monitors, etc.

And, of course, to support all of these applications we don't just have sensors, microcontrollers and other circuits. We also have motor drives, power supplies, sound systems, measurement, etc.

Visit the Texas Instruments website listed at the beginning of the article for more information and the Mouser Electronics website if you want to buy the devices or the available evaluation and development boards.




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