
 But it isn’t the only solution for projects in this area. The modern designer of robotics and mechatronics circuits can find many H-bridges in the form of ICs. Many manufacturers, in their line of ICs, offer complete

H-bridge circuits that can control high-power motors, and they can be used with no (or few) additional external components.

Two of the most popular IC H-bridges are listed below, and afterward we offer some application blocks.




Internet search engines can help the reader find more information about these and other ICs.


Additional Information

The transistors to be used in a half or full bridge depends on the current that they must control. This current is determined by the motor and can vary from few milliamperes to more than 2 A. In the following tables, we present the reader with some transistor that are suitable for applications in bridges.



Figure 1    Switching waveforms.
Figure 1 Switching waveforms.



Figure 2 shows a circuit using the LM18201. Thos circuit uses two power supply voltages, one for the power stage (up to 55 V) and other to the logic control (5 V).

This control can be made from TTL or microcontrollers such as the Arduino or PIC.


Figure 2  H-bridge with the LM18201.
Figure 2 H-bridge with the LM18201.




N° of component