
Description: This package contains a Parallel-In/Serial-Out Shift Register that can be used as a B, 7, or 8 stage shift-right register either as a serial in/serial out or as a parallel in/serial out circuit.

Functional Diagram or/and Package:
Functional Diagram or/and Package:




Pin Names

Vdd - Positive Supply Voltage

Vss - Ground

Q6, Q7, Q8 - Outputs

P1, PE, P3, P4, P5, P8, P7, P8 - Parallel Inputs

CLK - Clock

IN - Data Input

LD – Load


Truth Table:
Truth Table:




Operation Mode:

a) Serial-In/SeriaI-Out Operation:

* The LD input is grounded.

* Data applied in the IN input is shifted to the first stage on the positive transition of the clock pulse.

* After six successive clock cycles data appears at the output pin Q6.

º In the next clock pulse, the data goes to the output Q7, and yet another to the output Q8.

* Additional clock pulses lose the data or recirculate it if stages are cascaded.


b) Parallel-In/SeriaI-Dut Operation:

* An 8-bit word is loaded through the parallel inputs Pi to P8. (P1 near the input and P8 near the output)

* When LD goes to the “1” logic level, data is loaded into the register.

* After this operation, LD must be returned to ground.

The pulses applied to the clock shift the data loaded into the register to the right.


Electrical Characteristics:
Electrical Characteristics:




Other Devices:

A similar device with synchronous load is the 4014.




Data Conversion



Fast clock transitions are needed to avoid incorrect operation of the device.




N° of component