

Functional Diagram and/or Package:


Pin Names:

Vdd - Positive Supply Voltage [SV to 'lSV]

Vss - Ground

RE/IN - Recirculate Input

CLK/ IN - Clock Input

O - Data Output

O/ - Complementary Data Output

O/ IN - Data ln

MODE - Mode Control

DEL - Delayed Clock Output


Truth Table

Operation Mode:

a) MODE Input Grounded - mode 1

- MODE is grounded.

- Data to be stored is applied to the Data-ln terminal [D/IN). Data enters the circuit at the positive transition of the clock signal.

- After 64 clock pulses, data applied to the input appears at pin ES and the complement at pin 7.

b) MODE Input at “'1” logic level - mode 2

- MODE input is at “”1” logic level.

- Data is applied to the RE/IN Input and stored in the circuit with the positive transition of the clock signal.

- For recirculation, REC IN is connected to OUT.


Electrical Characteristics:



  • Shift Registers [serial]

  • Time Delay Applications



  • The terminal OUT can be used as an input to a following register.

  • This allows for cascading stages in multiples of 64.

  • The outputs can drive one TTL input.

  • The clock input has a high input capaoitanoe of about 60 pF.




N° of component