
Functional Diagram and/or Package:



Pin Names:

  • Vdd - Positive Supply Voltage [5V to 15V]

  • Vss – Ground

  • Q1 /Q1I /, Q2/Q2/ Q3/Q3 / Q4/Q4/ - Outputs
  • RST – Reset

  • Clk'- Clock

  • T/C - True Complement Input

  • P/S - Parallel/Serial Selection

  • J - Input Logic

  • K - Input Logic

  • P1, P2, P3, P4 - Parallel Inputs


Truth Table:



Operation Mode:

a] Parallel Load Data

- Data is applied to the inputs P1 to P4. P1 is nearest the input.

- Next, LD must go the “'’” logic level.

- In the next positive transition of the clock signal, data is loaded into the shift register.

- LD must be kept in the “1” level until after clocking, and then it can drop.

b] Serial ln/Serial Out or Serial In/Parallel Out

- J and K are connected together.

- TC, RST, and LD are also tied together.

- Input data is applied to the J and K inputs. Data Will appear at the output D'l after a positive transition of the clock signal.

- The second clock pulse transfers the signal to the next stage and so on.


Electrical Characteristics:




  • Counters

  • Registers

  • Serial-to-Parallel and Parallel-to-Serial Converters

  • Shift/ Shift Right Registers

  • Control Applications

  • Code Conversion

  • Sequence Generation




The words applied to the inputs must arrive least significant bit first. A sign bit must follow the most significant bit. 



N° of component