
The next formulas are used to temperature conversion in the indicated scales. See figure bellow.


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Formula 1

Celisus to Farenheit

F = ( 9/5 x C ) + 32


Formula 2

Farenheit to Celsius

C = 5/9 x ( F – 32 )


Formula 3

Celius to Kelvin

K = C + 273,16


Formula 4

Kelvin to Celsius

C = K – 273,16


Formula 5

Rarenheit to Kelvin

K = [ 5/9 x ( F - 32) ] + 273,16


Formula 6

Kelvin to Fahrenheit

F = [ 9/5 x ( K – 273,16 ) ] + 32


Formula 7

Reamur to Celsius

C = Re x 5/4


Formula 7

Fahrenheit to Reamur

Re = 4/9 x ( F – 32 )


Formula 8

Reamur to Celsius

Re = C x 5/4


Formula 9

Fahrenheit to Reamur

Re = 4/9 x ( F – 32 )


Formula 10

Reamur to Fahrenheit

F = ( 9/4 x Re ) + 32


Formula 11

Kelvin to Reamur

Re = 4/5 x ( K – 273,16 )


Formula 12

Reamur to Kelvin

K = ( 5/4 x Re ) + 273,6




N° of component