
The space between the plates of a charged capacitor is filled by an electric field where energy is stored. The stored energy in a capacitor is calculated by the next formulas.





Formula 1

W = ½ x C x V2



W is the stored energy in joules (J)

C is the capacitance in farads (F)

V is the voltage between the capacitor´s plates in volts (V)


Formula 2


W = ½ x Q X V



W is the stored energy in joules (J)

Q is the charge in coulombs (C)

V is the voltage between plates in volts (V)



Application Example:

 In a xenon flasher a 200 µF capacitor is charged with 300 V from a DC converter. How much energy can delivered by the xenon lamp in one flash considering the total discharge when releasing the stored energy?



C = 300 µF = 300 x 10-6 F

V = 300 V


Applying formula 1:

W = 0,5 x 300 x 10-6 x 300 x 300

W = 45 000 x 10-6

W = 45 x 10-3

W = 45 mJ




N° of component