Although incandescent bulbs are bound to disappear, when used in lighting, we still have cases where they are used. The simple control we describe causes a neon lamp to flash on the switch when the lamp is off, making it easier to locate in the dark.
The circuit is very simple and the part of two powers can be removed if the reader wants a simpler version.
In figure 1 we have the circuit of the device.
The mounting on a common double switch is shown in figure 2.
The capacitor is 100 V or more polyester and the 1/8 W resistor with any tolerance.
The neon lamp is common and the diode 1N4004 if the network is 110 V and 1N4007 if the network is 220 V.
D1 - 1N4004 or 1N4007 - see text
NE-1 - Common neon lamp
R1 - 3M3 ohm - resistor - orange, orange, green
C1- 100 nF - polyester capacitor
Wires, welding, etc.