
The Grove-Starter Kit is nothing more than a spectacular set of shields for Arduino for those who want to develop projects, teach or learn all about this microcontroller.

The kit includes a good amount of input and output modules, and sensors.

In Figure 1 we have the modules and the kit contents.

Figure 1
Figure 2 - Two shields connected to the base.


Using the unified interface of Grove you can connect each module to your Arduino and thereby create specific applications.

More than that, the modules can be simultaneously connected via a Shield-Base, as shown in Figure 2.


Figure 2 - Two shields connected to the base.
Figure 2 - Two shields connected to the base.



On this base there are resources for these several shields to be connected.


The shields available are:

Grove - buzzer

Grove - LED

Grove-tilt Switch

Grove- angle rotary sensor

Grove - temperature sensor

Grove - button (switch)

Grove - smart relay

Grove -photoshield

Grove - serial LCD


The Shield-Base contains all elements to connect the Grove units to the microcontroller so as to obtain the interfacing and also the voltage of 5 V to power. In Figure 3 we have this detailed board.







In Figure 4 we have the way it is made the connection between the board and the Arduino or Seeduino.







An interesting example of didactic application with this board can be given with the following program.


int buttonPin = 1;

int buzzerPin = 2;

void setup()


    pinMode(buttonPin,INPUT);   //fixa o interruptor como entrada digital

    pinMode(buzzerPin,OUTPUT);   //coloca o buzzer como saída digital



void loop()


     if(digitalRead(buttonPin))   //verifica se o botão está ou não pressionado


           digitalWrite(buzzerPin,HIGH);   //se pressionado, o buzzer toca




           digitalWrite(buzzerPin, LOW);   //se não pressionado o buzzer permanece desligado




This simple program uses the button and the buzzer in a model, as shown in Figure 5.






The program to have the activation of the buzzer by pressing the button that comes with the kit itself:

The final result: press the switch and the buzzer will play a song.

The reader can learn more or purchase the Starter Kit Grove at Mouser in:



On this same page you can access the full datasheet of the product.




The kit Grove - Starter Kit is an ideal resource for anyone who wants to learn or teach Arduino, or develop his/her own projects using this microcontroller.

Arduino courses can be created based on this kit and of course on an Arduino.

Imaginatively, and using the examples available you can learn or create many interesting things based on microcontrollers.




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