
   We can obtain the voltage multiplication using all six inverters of a 4049 integrated circuit, as shown in the figure circuit. In this circuit we have the multiplication of the voltage by 5, obtaining between 50 and 80 V output when the input voltage varies between 10 and 15 V. Note that the energy conservation theorem is valid here, as in any other case in that such transformations occur. The higher the output voltage, the lower the current intensity obtained. The frequency of operation depends on R1 and C7, components that can have their values ??changed in order to obtain better performance. Such a circuit can be perfectly used to power a neon lamp in series with a 220 k ohm to 1 M ohms resistor in a signaling system. Again, it is clear that the maximum current that these circuits can provide is extremely low, serving only for powering low-power or polarizing stages.






N° of component