
Silicon Labs CSP Package EFM32™ Leopard Gecko 32-Bit MCUs are part of the world's most energy friendly microcontrollers and will provide Flash memory configurations up to 256KB with the added option of embedded USB connectivity, direct drive TFT, EBI and CPU speeds up to 48 MHz. These new CSP packages offer the world's most energy friendly MCU in 60% smaller packaging that enables a breakthrough in industrial design for small portable devices. Within portable devices, the electronics and battery often dictates the physical size of the industrial design, and these new products help with both aspects. EFM32 energy efficiency allows you to select a smaller battery, and the new CSP package allows your PCB to be smaller. All Leopard MCUs include the same autonomous, low energy peripherals found in the Gecko family, like AES encryption, Pulse Counter, Low Energy UARTs in addition to the Low Energy Sensor interface LESENSE and on-chip Operational Amplifiers. These devices target energy sensitive applications with high memory requirements and connectivity requirements.


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Learn More About Silicon Labs EFM32 Leopard Gecko 32-Bit MCUs



  • 48MHz ARM Cortex-M3 CPU
  • Up to 256kB flash
  • 32kB RAM
  • Up to 93 GPIOs
  • Flexible energy management system with 5 different energy modes
    • 20nA shutoff mode (0.4µA with RTC)
    • 0.65µA stop mode, including power-on-reset, brown-out detector, RAM and CPU retention
    • 0.95µA deep sleep mode, including RTC with 32.768kHz oscillator, power-on-reset, brown-out detector, RAM and CPU retention
    • 63µA/MHz sleep mode
    • 211µA/MHz run mode with code executed from flash
  • Ultra low power precision and analog peripherals
      • 12-bit 1Msps ADC
      • 12-bit 500ksps DAC
      • Low power sensor interface (LESENSE)
        • Autonomous sensor monitoring in deep sleep
        • Supports wide range of sensors, including LC sensors and capacitive buttons
      • 1.98-3.8 V supply voltage
      • Debug interface
      • Temperature range: -40°C to +85°C

      • Gas metering
      • Energy metering
      • Smart metering
      • Alarm and security systems
      • Health and fitness applications
      • Industrial and home automation
    • Block Diagram


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